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Stylised shop front: Final outcome

In the last week I continued to texture in the same way as before, deciding on a colour scheme by using an existing palette from one of Ian McQue's work.

Final colour scheme

Here's the finished texturing:

Main building texture sheet (1024x1024 32bit; Diffuse, Metalic, Roughness & Emissive)

Main building 2 texture sheet (1024x1024; Diffuse, Metallic & Roughness)

Unique assets texture sheet (1024x1024; Diffuse, Metallic, Roughness & Emissive)

Tileable texture sheets (4x 512x512; Diffuse, Metallic & Roughness)

All of the tileable textures were instances in engine as shown below:

I then went through and placed everything in the level; using the modular robot parts I modelled I could make a wide variety of different robots on the shelves and texture them all differently using the instanced tileables.

It was around about this time during the week that I went down to London for a WIRED magazine event. We were showcasing our off the map winning game The Wondering Lands of Alice. I met a load of interesting people from different fields of work. Overall this was an interesting experience unfortunately it meant I had spent even more time working on Off the map rather than the project that was set, fortunately I was given an extension for this project.

After coming back from London I continued to finish off my texturing by doing the metallic and roughness maps after those were finished I was ready to hand in. I also added some interactions into the environment by making an animated garage door and counter door. I also changed the character to be a robot in the scene. Here's some screenshots of the final environment:

You can also check it out on sketchfab here:

Unfortunately I do not have the interior on this because of the way I populated and textured the assets on the inside It would have been hell to replicate this inside sketchfab.

Overall I am not too pleased with this project I was rushed into picking a design I wasn't too happy with and ended up trying to do too much instead of keeping it small and polished. If I was to redo this project I would only have an interior you could see through a window.

Here's some tutor feedback:

Mike P:

-The tills texture is too beaten up

-The interior needs some love more geometry on the harsh edges of the model, larger texture space as it is very low in comparison with the assets inside the shop and make sure the layout isn't too intimidating (normally shops don't have a desk facing straight towards the door)

-There could be more variation of the crates inside the shop, it's obviously repeated

-The scale seems wrong

-Add decals to everything to add change to a materials without putting it on the texture sheet.


-Design and execution are well done

-Only thing to change is lighting

-Darker and more defined shadows


-Colour light on the interior

Predicted grade: 70 high 2.1/1st

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