Modular kit update
A week or so ago I did a post on the modular kit I have made for the game, this is a quick update on that kit after some realising some...
Tile Designs
I have been working on trying to decide on the art style for the game, since last time I have decided to move onto designing tiles for...
Environment art style exploration
Recently I have been trying to figure what artstyle the game should have, how stylised it should be and what type of stylisation works...
Creating a modular kit
I have decided to create a basic modular kit to help with the development of level designing. Before I started I read lots of articles on...
Initial art stages
I am currently working on the art for Phaneron, this post is mainly going to be an art spam with a few comments explaining the images. To...
The Art of Doodads
Introduction: This is my final hand in for ISMA 5005, I have been working on producing this book for 2 months. The book contains...
UE4 Mega Jam
For the First week on the masters we were waiting for things to start so instead of sitting around doing nothing myself, Zhané and James...
FMP: Guiding Sprites - Postmortem (Pt 2 Environments)
Name: Amber Jamieson P Number: P13194518 Email: Project Title: FMP- Guiding Sprites Project overview: This...
Finishing off the last few things
Over the past two weeks I have been creating extra assets for the level and fixing up anything anyone else needed doing. Here's the list...
Texturing assets
Over the past two weeks I have been completing my long list of materials that needed to be finished. This includes a diffuse, roughness,...