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Shop front: Modelling and texturing

Leading on from last week I decided continue to push the colours further but this wasn't heading anywhere fast. So due to me being far behind in my schedule I decided to get straight onto modelling.

Using my block out for the designing process I started modelling using this as a guide. I got the modelling done fairly quickly and then unwrapped the building ready for packing later on.

After the main building was modelled I took it into Engine to test the scale, I then started to decide on how the interior was going to look and made a quick asset list, which consisted of:

-counter and liftable door




-cash register

-welcome mat










-can x3

-modular robot parts (head, chest, pelvis, arm & leg) x6

It was around about this time when I got some feedback from a tutor which loved my design but wanted to add a few little things to the top of the building to make it feel more sturdy. Such as bolts and reinforcement on the girder holding the sign at the top and also some form of reinforcement on the chimney to seem like someone has tried to stop the place from falling apart.

He also suggested trying bold bright colours for a colour scheme as he felt that the colour schemes I was using were too desaturated and pastel; another thing he suggested was layered up branding such as logos that have been painted onto the building overtime.

I then modelled and unwrapped all of my assets and began looking at texture sheet allocations.

I decided to have the main building split over 2x1024's and other uniquely textured assets on another 1024 and the last 1024 has been split up into 4x512's which will be a tileable painted metal, raw metal, rubber and plastic.

I then assigned all the right material ID's and packed all of the unwrapped assets onto the correct texture sheets as shown below:

Uniquely textured asset

Main building (top)

Main building (bottom)

I imported all of the assets into engine and started to mess around with arrangment. I also made a quick painted metal texture to test how I could change the colour in engine using material instances so that I can have lots of different coloured texture without using no additional texture space.

Material set up at the moment

Material instances

The assets in engine

On friday got some feedback from another tutor that helped me with texturing. He suggested looking and studying Ian Mcque's work as this is the style of rendering I want to work towards. He also showed me how to create a realistic texture using the colour range tool in photoshop on texture photos. Here's the test example he worked on when showing me how to execute this:

I then took my model into substance painter and drew on some panels so that I wouldn't have seems. I then took this into photoshop and using the technique explained before I made a metal texture and painted on more details on top to fit in with the Ian Mcque theme. Here is the texture so far shown in green and blue as I got some feedback from peers saying that they prefered the blue that I used in previous concepts.

That's as far as I have gotten this week I will be a little rushed to finish for friday and I also might have to showcase our Off the map project in London on the Thursday so I have a lot less time to get everything done. However I have faith that I will be able to finish the texturing and engine over the next week ready for handin.


© Amber Jamieson 2018

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