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FMP Characters

Here's a quick photo spam post on how the character Olive has progressed from the initial sketches to an almost finalised design.

These are the inital sketches the I drew prior to the FMP proposals I then took some images I had pinned and morphed them into a quick design for the presentation; as shown below:

I then decided to mess around with a different design making her slightly older but we found that this was not the direction we wanted to go in.

I then spent the holiday pinning loads of character designs and inspirations that I liked and made them into a moodboard.

After gathering lots of influences I tried out loads of different designs working from a different set of images each time.

Here all of the designs gathered together:

I was around about this time that I started looking at topology and how I would model the character. I found the perfect body type in my eyes and started to work off of that.

Here you can see me working off of the body shape from my topology moodboard, however I got feedback from my peers and they prefered the short little girl design so I mixed them together and ended up going with that design instead. This fits the characters personallity better and works well with Burnard and Walter also (the fire and water spirits).

I then tested out colour schemes and pjama designs; but I have yet to find a design I am fully happy with and I will continue to work on her after we have some solid environment concepts so that she fits with the scene but also stands out.

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