Meeting 04
Attendees: Mike Pickton (Supervisor)
Is it worth me writing a post of game narrative or is it too off topic?
Do you have any feedback from my presentation?
What else should I add to my research analysis post?
What would you suggest to be my question for the MA?
When creating flow charts stay away from confusing wiggly lines and look at proper flow charts
Art director might be the wrong term to use possibly reword yourself to be an artist
The question is good it clear and has a solid objective
What do you need to do to get to your goal?
How do you do it well?
A stacked bar chart might be the best way to show all my data
The conclusion of the research is the most important in your new post
Narrative is very important to an art director so write a post on it
Unpick the games to see how the narrative implied the art direction
How do you measure "goodness" in art?
Make a system it measure your art; immersiveness, visual appeal and fidelity
Objectives for next week
Agree on a question for MA
Finish learning contract and get it signed off by Mike, Michael and Margret
Finish post on analysis
Start narrative post