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Meeting 03

Attendees: Mike Powell (Supervisor)


  • Am I writing my posts correctly?

  • What would you say is my next area to study

  • What stage of my research must I be to start doing my 3D projects?

  • How does the research need to be cited?

  • Is it ok to have peoples names and screenshots of our messages on our blogs?


  • Posts are fine going in the right direction

  • Look at correct way of citing online research

  • Look into how much money you would need or if you need money at all

  • Figure out what you are working on (everything)

  • How long will our final project take

  • Design the game from the start to be scaleable so we can get what we want completed in the time

  • When starting the project write a text description of what it is with illustrations, a style guide and mechanics- theme and genre

  • Having peoples information on the blog is fine as long as they know about it

Objectives for next week

  • Prepare for presentation on Friday

  • Start brain storming with James about the "game"

  • Write a post on what I want to do/be (Ben Jane's job role) and how we will manage our project based on the feedback I have got

  • Go back to all of my previous posts and correctly cite eveything


© Amber Jamieson 2018

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