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Off the map finale

From the beginning of February till the end of June me and 5 other students were paired up together and told to work on a project set by the british library and gamecity called Off the map. This years theme was Alice in wonderland, long story short after a tedious, stressful and work filled few months we completed a level inspired by the tales of Alice underground. I was our team leader working mainly in engine and on environment modelling, Freddy was our texture artist completing around 60 texture sheets for the level, Denzil working on water effects in engine and environment props, Braden working on enviroment assets and UI, Luke working on particles in Engine and props and Dan our character artist that created our Alice. Heres our final level:

After I had finished all the documentation and sent off the submission we soon started to forget about it until I got an email at the end of summer telling us we were one of the shortlisted teams and were invited to an award ceremony where they would crown the winners. After some prepping for a presentation we needed to do we were ready for the ceremony hosted at games city on the 29th of October. We were optimistic due to us knowing the other 2 shortlisted teams; Chris Lonsdale with : and Hare Trigger with: and knowing how amazing their entrys were we were happy to come at least 3rd but to our suprise we were crowned the 2015 winners of the off the map competition.

I am really proud of my team and our work will be shown at the 150 years of Alice in wonderland exhibition at the British Library from the 20th of November until the 17th of April; In the new X-box controller compatible version of the game that myself, Braden and an unreal engine 4 magician and colleague Dom worked on. For more info go to:

For more information of the night here is a link to the univercitys aricle on the event:

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