Meeting 10
Attendees: Mike Pickton (Supervisor)
Should I stick to my simple uncluttered style or try something new?
Am I trying to add to much into this concept?
Is there anything I should add or think about at this point?
Recommended that I go for the most sketchy style as it will be more experimental and I will learn and how more skill
Start the art style guide as you go to inform the final outcome
Trying to portray a different atmosphere is more beneficial for my art direction skills
Use lighting, shape, form and colour to enhance the atmosphere
instead of a child go with a pygmy "person"; cave dweller: maybe it has affected his anatomy
Use fire flies to add pops of colour and interest
FANTASY: don't worry about it being "to the book" just label it as fantasy
The assets still need to be readable so don't go too obscure
How do you portray the environment's temperature, if you are using lots of reds which are normally warm when it is meant to be cold?
FAIL FAST: if something isn't working out leave it and move on, spending time on something that doesn't work isn't good for the business
Objectives for next week
Start concepting the characters and environments
Decide on an overall style and theme