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Meeting 09

Attendees: Mike Pickton (Supervisor)


  • Can I have some feedback on my art bible/style guide

  • Does my essay for ISMA5000 seem like it is going in the right direction?

  • Is there anything else you think I should add to my essay?


  • The style guide is very good for a first try

  • For the silhouette and colour break up sections they need more annotation and need to be explained more: why does it need to be contrasting? where are the areas of contrast and why?

  • You need to make sure people understand what you want them to do and why

  • Type out the analysis to make it easier to read and to cut down on spelling mistakes

  • Go into more technical analysis: talk about rigging, how many bones? how does the cloth deform? does it follow the legs or have its own bones?

  • Do you use alphas? if so what are they used for?

  • Cloth has a thickness when modelled (could also add the measurement as well to make everything coherent)

  • why have you chosen the colour scheme? is there a main colour? do all the characters follow this?

  • For the essay do it as a research report

  • Use the layout I (Mike Pickton) made for James

  • Talk about your research in broad terms don't explain what you have done just say how it has helped or hasn't

  • Reading will only get you so far (art direction) because no one will give you a job: expand on that to help your argument

  • Explain why the other research methods will only get you so far and why practical projects will be the best

Objectives for next week

  • Finish ISMA5005 research report

  • Write a blog on the practical project and reflect on Mike Pickton's feedback


© Amber Jamieson 2018

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