Independent study MA
I have just started my masters at DMU after graduating in July; I realised during my FMP in 3rd year that I wanted some more time to...
FMP: Guiding Sprites - Postmortem (Pt 2 Environments)
Name: Amber Jamieson P Number: P13194518 Email: Project Title: FMP- Guiding Sprites Project overview: This...
FMP: Guiding Sprites - Postmortem (Pt 1 Characters)
Name: Amber Jamieson P Number: P13194518 Email: Project Title: FMP- Guiding Sprites Project overview: This...
Finishing off the last few things
Over the past two weeks I have been creating extra assets for the level and fixing up anything anyone else needed doing. Here's the list...
Texturing assets
Over the past two weeks I have been completing my long list of materials that needed to be finished. This includes a diffuse, roughness,...
Interior textures
I have continued texturing the house interior and it is now all finished. Here's a couple of them: (All of them have a roughness and...
This week I got the lighthouse texture completed with a normal map, roughness and metallic map as well. Here's the final textures;...
Over the past two weeks I got all of the assets packed and ready for texturing. Here's a few of the unwraps: Washing machine, Fridge, Bin...
Interior materials
Continuing on from last week I finished unwrapping everything and packed all of the remaining assets, including the bedroom, bathroom and...
House interior
After finishing last weeks list of things that needed to be fixed I moved onto modelling and unwrapping the interior of the house. Here...